Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Price Rise & G-20 Summit

Ask an ordinary Indian to express his/her feeling as how they cater the daily family needs. They will not reply but lambaste at the political parties ruling the government. The party does not represent majority Indians has become only qualified to run the government administration with the backing of other minor parties. They do not govern the nationalities in a country called India. So, they are not seen liable to be accountable to all the countrymen. In absence of a popular government and pro-people policies, my people are dying for want of basic necessities at an affordable price. Its still mysterious, how Atal Behari government was capable of keeping price rise under control what our present rulers miserably failed from the day one they took position in the government. 

The rulers are busy in coporatising the country's land, hills, rivers and sea. Media barons are laudable on Ambani's discovery of petroleum. But who is going to be rich with such discovery? Prices of petrol, diesel and gas are decontrolled. The corporates are very happy. Equally the ordinary people are extremely unhappy with the spurt of price rise. Public transport will hit hard and so the other essential commodities are. The story of subsidy is being spread through the media that reportedly compelled the rulers for huge hike in petroleum price. The story of global financial meltdown is also told off and on.

BBC reports flooded with appreciation calling India as an 'Asian Giant' in G-20 Summit in Canada. US President Obama termed the Indian PM a pathfinder in overcoming global financial crisis. But peaceful protesters of the Summit in Canada were mercilessly beaten and thrown into police custody. The rulers must realise that the IT revolution has also brought the citizens of the world on one side of the fence to challenge the stooges of the multi national and transnational corporations. And We Shall Overcome Someday!   

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Meaningful Life

Once I lamented to my friend and colleague to make the human life meaningful. In fact, I was tired to listen praise or adverse criticism on individual surrounding family/personal life or behaviour etc. In such situations, either you support his/her view in order to appease or oppose at the risk of breaking relation. And there is no end of it. In doing this, the small life ends without any meaning.

If one dialectically assess the personal relation, it hardly last on emotional love and sex. After some time, one will start feel such personal relation lasts under certain compulsion. Sometime, it makes a burden. But you can't leave the place or person you dislike most. The hypocrisy leads you towards a meaningless life. 

But you are always recalled once you go beyond your ' very tough real life' and try to think beyond the known way of life. You create something for the entire generation and you are recalled with respect by the world.  

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Enemy

Its very painful to imagine that my country may be ruled by those fascist Maoists. The party which could indiscriminately kill hundreds of innocent people in the name of revenge against the state power and blow up a passenger train can not be less anti-people and fascist than those Muslim terror outfits. Whatever be the ideology or whatever that may be great, nothing is important than the lives of people of India. You the killers have no right to kill them indiscriminately. You are indeed a bunch of enemy of this country and you need to be destroyed by any means. The politics of mass murder and annihilation has become obsolete now a days and you the demons are pursuing those rejected policies. Yes, it would be very sad, if the government is forced to send army to teach you people a lesson. If that happens, you will be held responsible for that blood shed and destruction of our indigenous people. Yet there are certain responsible people in the corridor of power those are not favouring for tough action against your party. They are waiting for your good sense to prevail and respond to the discusion table for any peaceful solution to the issues you raised for the tribal people. I also find reasons in raising fundamental issues concerning life and living of the oppressed people of the country including the tribals. But like many millions I also join in appealing you to stop playing with the lives of the poor people and create an admosphere counducive to a peaceful solution.   

Thursday, June 17, 2010

To Whom It May Concerned

The Indian women are very selfish. They use men on need and leave once the need is fulfilled. Some of them pose to be educated, artists, poets, writers or professionals etc. They often talk of liberty, equality, freedom possessing a sense of superiority complex. In personal life, they live in hypocrisy, failed to love a guy with full devotion and honesty. Their devilish pleasure in undermining the guys they live with and love to compare with other in order to put him/them down.

Admitting! you the ladies are half of world but never been a better half of the men. A bitter half indeed! Where you are better, you made the place heaven. Otherwise, the place is made a hell!  Where you are good friend, the relation last long. Otherwise, everything goes wrong everywhere. 

Replying Mohit

I do agree that every religious sect has its right to protect its community and must be prepared to meet any eventuality as we see RSS does it in India. The secular India has observed its brutal force in Bhagalpur and Gujarat. Hindus are not really cattle in majority part of the country except Bengal. That's the cause why Muslim fanatics in the form of Taliban/Alquida/SIMI/Hizbul/IM are indulging in minority terrorism in India. Since RSS/BJP proved to be failure as a savior of Hindus despite concurring political power in the states and Centre, majority Hindu votes switched over to the  Congress pockets in two successive elections. They are in competition with Congress/UPA in appeasing Muslim terror (political) outfits in one way or other in order to win votes what congress did in Andhra in allying secretly with Maoists. No one is true patriot. They only follow 'kamao aur khao'. No one expects them to deliver positives for Hindus/Muslims/Christians or Sikhs etc.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Barbarians

The barbarians in the Aryan sect who ruled during Brahman Tantra under the Hindu Raj in the ancient India butchered peace loving Buddhists in millions. Many Buddhist temples were demolished, many of the oppressed people were forced to leave their soil. The barbarians were largely successful in combating spread of Buddhism on Indian soil and unleashing a sense of terror. But they failed to resist its expansion in other Asian countries like China, Japan, Indonesia, Lous, Cambodia, Thailand etc similar to that of the period of Asoka where Buddhism became the state religion. It was only the Buddhist emperor Asoka who was earlier converted from Hinduism effectively and peacefully ruled India for many years. He developed a sense of national integration and good governance across the country. As a mark of respect, the Independent India puts Asoka Chakra as a national emblem. Indian foreign policy is primarily guided by the Pancha Shil ( five cardinal principles) of Buddha. Buddhists are now constitutionally treated as a  minority community. 

But power greedy barbarians subsequently fought each other which paved the way for Muslim invaders to invade India and rule for thousand years. The invaders made the Hindus marginalised. In the name concurring Hindu kingdoms one after another, Muslim barbarians massacred Hindus in millions. Their places of worships, cultures were demolished and converted Hindus by force or other tactics. Here the barbarians were defeated by more dangerous barbarians and established its solid base with expansion of Islam in Indian subcontinent.

With the erosion of Mughals, European barbarians invaded India and expanded Christianity in the country. In order to establish its colony, the English barbarians massacred Hindus and Sikhs also in millions. Muslims were largely untouched rather pampered subsequently that ultimately engineered the partition of India.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lovely Kabir

My friend is untraceable. He lives near hills and forest. He has perhaps gone off the plains. Imagine, he is now wandering undressed and lost in the dense forest. Certainly he is yet to meet any man eater and busy in talking to the wild birds, trees and deers in his melodious tone. Songs he so far sang for us were in perfect scale within certain grammatical limits. The nature does not at all care for all these scales or grammar. It only responds to a voice of the heart. Is he doing that?

Well! Adam is there, but where is any Eve? As a scientist of Botany, he is aware which plant is poisonous or sweety. So, there is no worry that he'll allow Eve to commit mistake and perish what happened in Old Testament. Therefore, I believe my friend will come out of his solitude shortly. I'll wait outside the Jungle with a carry bag containing therein a 3-piece dress but with a chappal (foot-slipper) considering his state of the foot. May God bless him! 

Friday, June 4, 2010

The June

"If a June night could talk,
it would probably boast it invented romance."
                                     - Bern Williams

"Who comes with Summer to this earth
And owes to June her day of birth,
With ring of Agate on her hand,
Can health, wealth, and long life command."
                                                   - June

"No flowers, no bees;
No bees, no flowers.
Blooming and buzzing,
Buzzing and blooming;
Married and still in Love."
                     - Mike Garofalo

"Spring being a tough act to follow,
God created June."
                            - Al Bernstein

“To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June”
                                                              - Jean Paul Sartre

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Fanatics

My friend Mohit mailed me today informing Md Nazim a Maldivite citizen would be hanged to death for his only fault to desert Islam. A theocratic state never allowed other religions to practice by dint of their sahriati constitution. Yet the people of India particularly the secular brands never find time to protest those Muslim fanatics in home and abroad. The promoters of Hindu or Christian or Sikh religions are the same indifferent lots. This is the religion called Islam is fascist in nature and spirit. It denies existence of all other religions those who are seen as non-believers or kafir. So the true peace and Islam can not live together. U have to discard one. SAARC or Amnesty International or UN may inquire such a strong case on rights abuse in Maldiv and issue statement as we found their promptness  in condemning Israel for blocking Gaza strip. Let the foreign tourists land on the fascist soil only after open declaration for respecting other religions and human rights of the people of all faiths.